Billiard Balls

Making Offers That Entice: The Case Against Lowballing

If I had a dime for every ridiculous low-ball offer I’ve gotten in my career, I would indeed be a very rich man. The world is filled with sleazy real estate investors that love to throw offers against the wall to see if something sticks. The next time you have an asset to sell, those same investors wonder why you didn’t call them to solicit offers. Of course, this practice is not a great way to build long-lasting relationships with sources for assets to purchase.

It’s been our experience that putting thought into your offer is the best practice. You certainly don’t want to leave money on the table, but making a well-thought-out offer and communicating it in a professional manner is likely to not only initiate price discussions, but it also makes you a go-to buyer in when they have an asset to sell in the future. At some point in your future, the well is going to run dry and you’ll need sources for assets to purchase. Don’t run off good sources by building a reputation as person that makes poorly thought-out low-ball offers.