
The Institute Announces New Programs

It’s hard to get started in real estate-based investing. You have to raise capital, form a business entity, find property or loan opportunities, find lenders, find contractors, find real estate agents, negotiate prices, and on and on. Where to begin or how to scale up can be confusing. It’s hard to figure out where to turn.

That is where the institute comes in. We don’t set up “free seminars” at hotels that only teach you how to raise your credit card limits to pay for “more training”. We don’t sell you on anything. We simply have created a platform where you can get as little or as much help as you want. At www.nilre.com, you can view our articles on real estate investing, note investing, and private lending for free. If you need more assistance, we’ve created three very clear programs to help. Each program is clearly defined, so you understand up front what each includes. Unlike those “free seminars” where you have to keep paying and paying for different levels, you know exactly what you are getting from the Institute.

PREMIER MEMBERSHIP: Our Premier Membership is a self-study program for a small monthly fee. You get complete access to all of our on-line classes and invitations to national events. With our Premier Program, you go at your own pace. No one is rushing you.

EXECUTIVE PROGRAM: Our Executive Program gives you the same access as the Premier Membership, but with a lot more bells and whistles. In this program, we’ll work with you to connect you to sellers of notes, institutional lenders, and you are able to attend any of our events for no charge (travel, lodging and food not included). The Executive Program gives you access…access to notes and homes to buy, access to institutional investors that can help fund your transactions, and access to our knowledge base to either get started on the right foot or scale your business to the next level.

PRIVATE CLIENT PROGRAM: In our Private Client Program, you get both one-on-one personal assistance from our instructors and you join a community of other investors. You’ll be able to have our instructors look at deals with you. Help you make decisions in your business. Help you organize, launch, and scale your business to exceed your dreams. Of course, you get everything in the Executive Program, but with this program, you get our time, undivided attention, and one-on-one advice. You’ll also be able to lean on and do business with other Private Client Members of the Institute. This program is a must for anyone seeking to build a business in real estate investment, loan investment, or private lending.

Reach out to us directly through the contact section of www.nilre.com and let us answer your questions. We look forward to helping you succeed.