
Old House

Zillow Zestimates, Tax Assessments, and True Values

It can be quite confusing when you see a big valuation difference between the value that the tax assessor places on a property and the value that a consumer site like Zillow places on a property. Fortunately, there is a way to figure out what the approximate true value of the property is without hiring an appraiser.

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Increase Credit Limits to Pay for Training…Hold On One Minute!

Raise your hand (figuratively, of course…we can’t see you through the computer) if you have been to a “free seminar” at a hotel conference room to be told that you should all your credit card company and increase the limits in order to pay for expensive additional training. Has this happened to you or someone you know?

Increase Credit Limits to Pay for Training…Hold On One Minute! Read More »


Debt to Income, Debt Service Coverage, and Other Madness

Commercial loan underwriting guidelines can be a lot like reading Egyptian hieroglyphics to the untrained eye. One of the more confusing facets of commercial lending when compared to consumer lending. The key is to understand the difference between DTI, better known as “Debt to Income Ratio” and DSCR, which stands for “Debt Service Coverage Ratio”.

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Joint and Severable Liability

If you are a real estate investor, nonperforming loan investor, or private lender, you’ve undoubtedly had or considered doing a deal or two with a partner. Working with other stakeholders in a deal or venture is dicey at best, particularly when the venture takes on debt that is personally guaranteed by the partners. Taking on recourse debt (where the debt is personally guaranteed by the owners of the business) brings us to a term that you will hear in such a situation…Joint and Severable Liability.

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Looking at Map

Buying Assets in Other Markets

It’s a common story. Investors in real estate, loans, or private lenders (collectively called “assets”) find that opportunities are limited in their particular geographic area. They soon hear about opportunities in other markets, but they are scared to purchase assets away from home. The question that often pops up is “should I purchase assets in other markets and how should I go about doing it?” We’re here to take some of the mystery out of that very question.

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Picture of Home

How Do I Understand a Real Estate Market I Don’t Live In?

That was the same question I struggled to wrap my head around when I first left banking to run Castle Rock. Having lived in the Tampa area for over 20 years, I had become accustomed only to this market. It was tough to climb outside of my comfort zone to buy assets (both non-performing loans and real estate) in other areas of the country.

How Do I Understand a Real Estate Market I Don’t Live In? Read More »